Everyone I back again, since so long I didn't post anything.
BUt now I'm back On the LINE again,
I couldn't post anything because I having my enjoyable life.
What enjoyable life I mean here is being with my girl friend.
Alot of people was busy for exam, study , work but not for me.
Because I think that exam , study , work is just fine .
It just like everyday we brush our teeth, so it wont border me and I have my time for my sweet one.
I kind of use to the life I having Now and I love it much.
I kind learn alot of thing from her,
such as I have to control my temper, behave myself.
I think I change quite alot.
After being with you, I really do wanna live with you.
Wanna have a family with you.
holding your hand as you say "until OLD"
I really can't leave you alone or you leave me.
Alot people sure laughing at me,
they will say:" hey you both just tied together only for 6 month, what make you so confirm that she will be your last and you say so much of sweet stuff, and you sure wont know what happen in future"
I will told them : " I know what will happen in future because everything just me and her know something that you guys wont understand, that why I so confirm...."
vow out : Redang trips next week, I just want to enjoy it with you only.
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