Yesterday I watch the 8Tv show program "Love in Seoul"..
It mention on very intresting topic that i wanna post on my blog , the "Lock Love"!!!

At the base of Seoul Tower, a gate where lovers lock their locks then throw the key over the edge.
In Seoul hundreds or thousands of locks on it in chain,All the couple lock was craft with the names of those sweet sweet couple.

In Seoul , they have this kind of Lovely place..
The meaning of the Lock Love is " the couple hoping can be forever after they lock two lock together and try away the key so no one can open this both lock that lock together."
After seeing those sweet couple, I kind of envy because I don't really have one so sweet as them..
I really Hope can lock together like the meaning Of "Lock Love"...
What should I do?
Alot of thing I keep inside My heart , just hard to vow out..
Maybe a lot of people will quite envy of me , but I just cant satisfy myself with such situation I having now..
In relationship or not in relationship?
Every lock love have those sweet couple name craft on it...
BUt Mine.....

A LOCK LOVE wiTHOut A NAME................
(ps: if you ask me what I mind, I mind nothing... the meaning of "mature" is to be childish cos It can put a smile on your face..^^)
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