Since the day I out of study life, I started go out while midnight until 2-4 a.m. come home..
If I didn't go out or wait to the time reach, I can't put myself Into sleep mode although I know that sleep early and wake up early is good.
Same like today... I wake up at 4 p.m because yesterday/morning I sleep at 6.a.m
....Quite crazy I know....
There are few reason that Sleep early/ enough is good for Ourself
-Sleep may help you learn more effectively
sleep plays an important role in memory, but recent evidence suggests that getting a good night's sleep can improve learning. So make yourself comfortable while you sleep.
-Sleep is important for managing stress
most people need between seven and eight hours of sleep each night. What happens when you don't get enough sleep? Symptoms such as moodiness, anxiety, aggression and increased stress levels can result.
-Sleep can help you make better decision
Have you ever found yourself struggling to make relatively simple decisions after a night of poor sleep? To reducing such things as response time and accuracy, lack of sleep has also been linked to difficulty making good decisions.
Do you ever heard one quote say, A wise man/old man always know how to make good decision...
Understand what it mean??
BUt I do..
After I saw this pIcture..
NOTICED THE SIGN ON THE TABLE*Thank YOu for not sleeping here*(they always have a good sleep)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Ps: 2molo BBQ at my friend house)